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FGA is proud to present its revenue cycle benchmarking tool, HomecareStandards.com. HomecareStandards.com is a web based revenue cycle benchmarking tool designed to provide Homecare Providers with an easy way to get a better understanding of their billing operations and accounts receivable management performance, by comparing key performance indicators with other Home Health Agencies. Our industry benchmarks clinical data, but, until now, there has been no comprehensive resource available to benchmark our Billing and Accounts Receivable performance.
HomecareStandards.com helps you
- » analyze your agency's performance in reference to Revenue, Collection, Write-Off and other metrics broken up into 7 major payer categories.
- » establish your A/R Turnover Days (monthly on a rolling quarter basis), Average Daily Revenue, Average Quarterly A/R.
- » prevent write-offs by closely monitoring A/R over 120 days and comparing your performance with that of other agencies.
- » compare, if you are a Medicare provider, your days from Admission to RAP Submission and days from Episode End to Claim Submission with that of other agencies.
HomecareStandards.com has been designed to help you identify the weak and strong segments of your business, appropriately allocate resources, and exercise greater control. This is achieved by monitoring your collection, A/R over 120 days and write-off trends and by analyzing the key performance indicators of A/R to identify areas, if any, that require immediate attention.