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Eligibility Verification Made Easy
FGA has developed one of the most advanced eligibility verification tools in the industry. ReChek facilitates real time eligibility verification at the point of care or batch eligibility verification for a large volume of cases to be re-verified.
For a large volume of cases to be re-verified, easily transmit a file from your system to ours. Our batch eligibility verification module will send your responses in a single report in as little as one hour. ReChek eligibility verification makes your staff become more productive by saving time.
Access our web-site and do eligibility verification one patient at a time and get a real time response within a few seconds for Medicaid, Medicare and Commercial Payers.
- ReCheck Batch can provide a summary of eligibility changes from month to month, including a detailed listing of managed care payer changes and listing of inactive patients
- Single user interface. Sign in once and have access to hundreds of payers
- Standardized entry screen makes verifying by payer easy
- Consistent presentation of patient eligibility reagrdless of payer
- Limit work effort with service type selection
- Significant savings of time and money, increased productivity